About مدیر سایت

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So far مدیر سایت has created 72 blog entries.

brick facade of Pars company

By |2021-04-08T02:29:14+04:308th April, 2021|architecture, brick, brick facade of Pars, History of brick|

brick facade of Pars company Brick facade Pars Company has more than 15 years of brilliant history in the production of Ajr Nama (traditional brick, red brick and refractory brick). Pars Brick Production Group has made maintaining the quality and guaranteeing the durability of manufactured bricks for many years its top priority. We are

Mathematical calculations of bricklaying

By |2021-04-08T02:16:23+04:308th April, 2021|architecture, brick, Brick dimensions|

How to calculate the number of bricks needed in bricklaying mathematical calculations In the mathematical calculations of bricklaying, the amount of materials used for brick walls with pressed bricks and machine bricks with a thickness of up to 2 bricks is the unit selected for price analysis for brick walls with a thickness of

Brick dimensions

By |2023-07-13T17:27:23+03:306th April, 2021|architecture, brick, Brick dimensions|

Variation and changes in brick dimensions throughout history Since the brick is obtained from baking raw clay, its dimensions are more or less close to clay in every historical period. The size of bricks in any historical building definitely does not represent its historical period; This means that at every historical point, its dimensions

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