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Brick facade

By |2021-05-30T01:15:56+04:3030th May, 2021|brick, Brick facade, brick facade of Pars, Types of bricks|

Refractory brick and Kazakh brick (traditional brick) that you can use in the interior and exterior of your building and villa, which is very resistant and high quality, and never goes out of fashion and is always beautiful. What is a refractory brick facade? It is one of the types of brick models used

Terms of use of brick facade

By |2021-04-27T23:12:48+04:3027th April, 2021|brick, Brick facade, brick facade of Pars, brick training|

Let's get to know the conditions of using brick facade better For the conditions of using Pars brick facade, it is better to know that quality materials and water should be used, which creates a better grip on the brick facade, and the good quality of the materials prevents the formation of crystals (dandruff)

brick facade of Pars company

By |2021-04-08T02:29:14+04:308th April, 2021|architecture, brick, brick facade of Pars, History of brick|

brick facade of Pars company Brick facade Pars Company has more than 15 years of brilliant history in the production of Ajr Nama (traditional brick, red brick and refractory brick). Pars Brick Production Group has made maintaining the quality and guaranteeing the durability of manufactured bricks for many years its top priority. We are

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