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How to calculate the number of bricks

By |2021-04-28T20:26:39+04:3028th April, 2021|brick, Brick dimensions, Brick facade, brick training|

Formulas and how to calculate the number of bricks in construction In general, how to calculate the number of bricks needed in a Chinese wall for each brick size can be calculated according to the equations given below: How to do mathematical calculations of Chinese bricks, if you don't know, read this article The

Brick baking steps

By |2021-04-28T19:52:39+04:3028th April, 2021|brick, brick training, Types of bricks|

Brick baking steps are as follows Preparation of clay: It is not necessary that the clay is pure in the baking stages of clay bricks, it is enough that it does not have impurities such as wood, coal, plant roots. Because these materials are burned inside the furnace when the brick is baked and

Brickwork methods

By |2021-04-27T23:41:42+04:3027th April, 2021|brick, brick training, History of brick|

What are the methods of brickwork? The art of arranging bricks in buildings in order to provide decorative facades that fit the shape of the building is called brickwork methods. Iranian architects have tried to preserve the organic state of this material in relation to the shape of the building by widely using brick

Terms of use of brick facade

By |2021-04-27T23:12:48+04:3027th April, 2021|brick, Brick facade, brick facade of Pars, brick training|

Let's get to know the conditions of using brick facade better For the conditions of using Pars brick facade, it is better to know that quality materials and water should be used, which creates a better grip on the brick facade, and the good quality of the materials prevents the formation of crystals (dandruff)

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