Fire brick facade

By |2021-05-07T16:56:02+04:307th May, 2021|Construction, Firebrick, History of brick|

Everything we need to know about refractory bricks Refractory brick is a type of brick that is produced from porcelain and refractory clay and is made with a dense and delicate molecular structure at a temperature above 1500 degrees Celsius. And industrial insulation is widely used. The facade refractory brick is produced by refractory

History of brick

By |2021-04-26T21:25:50+04:3026th April, 2021|brick, Construction, History of brick|

Learn more about the history of bricks In the history of brick, the origin of the word Ajur (which is called Zaw in Afghanistan), which is also called Ajur and Agur in Persian, is unknown. In Akkadian, it is written as agurru, in Aramaic as اغور, in Arabic as عجر, and in ancient Armenian

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