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Strapping in brick work

By |2021-04-26T20:14:49+04:3026th April, 2021|brick, Decorative brick, Firebrick, floor brick|

Briefly about the strapping in brickwork Banding in brick work in the facade of buildings, except for a few cases, the distance between the bricks in the horizontal and vertical direction is very small and the bricks are arranged in pairs. Click on brickwork methods. Qaboos dome In most buildings, there is a gap

Porcelain floor brick

By |2023-07-17T14:09:57+03:3026th April, 2021|brick, floor brick, History of brick|

Learn more about floor tiles In porcelain floor brick, apart from the use of brick in the building skeleton, arches, lly facades, brick has been widely used in the field of floor covering. Since before Islam, we have seen the use of bricks to cover large surfaces on the floors of buildings inside and

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