Briefly about the strapping in brickwork

Banding in brick work in the facade of buildings, except for a few cases, the distance between the bricks in the horizontal and vertical direction is very small and the bricks are arranged in pairs.

Click on brickwork methods.

Qaboos dome

Qaboos dome

In most buildings, there is a gap between two bricks in the longitudinal and transverse directions;

Sometimes this space is left empty and sometimes it is filled with soft mortar and the same color as the brick or different from it in black and white pea materials. This distance, which is slightly lower than the level of the brick; They fill it with the help of a thin blade, which is a simple string. Decorative bands are usually done on a rectangular surface and vertically in the distance between the heads of the bricks. This banding is usually done with plaster mortar and is divided into small and large groups in terms of size and surface; After placing the mortar and smoothing it with the help of a mold, the plasterer will make a pattern on it.

Since the 4th century, we have seen decorative stringing that has given a special effect to the facade of the building.

These drawings are executed in the form of decorative pictures and words such as Allah, Muhammad, etc. in the form of calligraphy.

The width of the straps is usually about three to four centimeters.

Seng Bast from the Ghaznavid era and Rabat Sharaf and Gonbadkhaki in Isfahan are among these.

For larger surfaces, a patterned or patterned brick bottom ball or tile soaps are used.

which is the characteristic of the buildings of the patriarchal era. Since the Safavid era, we no longer come across decorative elastic bands.

Strapping in brick work Strapping in brick work Strapping in brick work
Strapping in brick work Strapping in brick work Strapping in brick work

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