Types of bricks in terms of brick type

By |۱۴۰۰-۲-۲۰ ۱۲:۴۲:۱۴ +۰۰:۰۰۲۰ام اردیبهشت, ۱۴۰۰|brick, Brick clay, Firebrick, History of brick, Traditional brick, Types of bricks|

The types of bricks in terms of the type of bricks that are mostly used in Iran today for construction include: machine brick, solid machine brick, ten-hole brick, and hollow clay brick. Bricks are different in terms of strength and appearance and are prepared with different dimensions depending on the use. Automatic molding machines

Classification of types of bricks

By |۱۴۰۲-۴-۲۶ ۰۷:۲۴:۴۷ +۰۰:۰۰۷ام اردیبهشت, ۱۴۰۰|brick, Firebrick, History of brick, Types of bricks|

Bricks can be classified in different ways. Such as: classification in terms of color, dimensions, gender, etc Classification of bricks by gender Brick is divided into two categories based on its type: Pressed bricks: The reason for the name of this type of brick is that at the beginning of the production of this

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