Formulas and how to calculate the number of bricks in construction

In general, how to calculate the number of bricks needed in a Chinese wall for each brick size can be calculated according to the equations given below:

How to do mathematical calculations of Chinese bricks, if you don’t know, read this article

The first formula:

Length of brick x (height of brick + 1.5) = area of brick and mortar
(brick and mortar area) / (10000) = number per square meter
Total length of walls x wall height x number per square meter = number of bricks or clay

The second formula:

Wall thickness x height x length = wall volume
Wall volume x 0.8 = brick volume
(volume of one brick or clay) / (volume of brick) = number of bricks or clay


These formulas and calculations included in this section are estimates and approximations, and these calculations can be used to estimate the number of types of clay bricks, blocks and clay tiles for roof and wall, as well as types of facing bricks, lefton bricks, etc.

Learn more about brick dimensions.

How to calculate the number of bricks How to calculate the number of bricks How to calculate the number of bricks
How to calculate the number of bricks How to calculate the number of bricks How to calculate the number of bricks
How to calculate the number of bricks How to calculate the number of bricks How to calculate the number of bricks
How to calculate the number of bricks How to calculate the number of bricks How to calculate the number of bricks

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