Brick facade

By |2021-05-30T01:15:56+04:3030th May, 2021|brick, Brick facade, brick facade of Pars, Types of bricks|

Refractory brick and Kazakh brick (traditional brick) that you can use in the interior and exterior of your building and villa, which is very resistant and high quality, and never goes out of fashion and is always beautiful. What is a refractory brick facade? It is one of the types of brick models used

Types of bricks in terms of brick type

By |2021-05-10T17:12:14+04:3010th May, 2021|brick, Brick clay, Firebrick, History of brick, Traditional brick, Types of bricks|

The types of bricks in terms of the type of bricks that are mostly used in Iran today for construction include: machine brick, solid machine brick, ten-hole brick, and hollow clay brick. Bricks are different in terms of strength and appearance and are prepared with different dimensions depending on the use. Automatic molding machines

Brick facade and architecture

By |2021-05-10T13:47:22+04:3010th May, 2021|architecture, Brick facade, Types of bricks|

Brick facade and architecture In brick facade and architecture, brick facade is one of the most used materials in the building, and in the past, this brick is used not only in the body and facade, but also in the skeleton of the building, and it makes the appearance of the building more beautiful.

Brick baking steps

By |2021-04-28T19:52:39+04:3028th April, 2021|brick, brick training, Types of bricks|

Brick baking steps are as follows Preparation of clay: It is not necessary that the clay is pure in the baking stages of clay bricks, it is enough that it does not have impurities such as wood, coal, plant roots. Because these materials are burned inside the furnace when the brick is baked and

Classification of types of bricks

By |2023-07-17T10:54:47+03:3028th April, 2021|brick, Firebrick, History of brick, Types of bricks|

Bricks can be classified in different ways. Such as: classification in terms of color, dimensions, gender, etc Classification of bricks by gender Brick is divided into two categories based on its type: Pressed bricks: The reason for the name of this type of brick is that at the beginning of the production of this

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